INMAN, S.C. (WSPA) – Over four years ago, Holliday Brewing opened in Spartanburg’s Drayton Mills marketplace. Now they are getting ready to open Inman’s first brewery, targeting mid-September for their Prospect Street location.
It will be home to 40 beer taps and a full bar. The kitchen will be run by the owners of Spartanburg’s Burgers and Bakery restaurant.
It’s something co-owner Jim Holliday has been looking forward to for some time.
”We’ll have a full restaurant here. We’re on three and a half acres, it’s a 9,000-square-foot building. We’ll be able to seat about 250 people. We have plenty of open space, we have plenty of green space outside. In the future, we plan on putting in a concert stage out here. We have plenty of outside seating. We also have a nice private section upstairs that you can rent out for private parties.”
That private section is open to anyone if there’s no event; it will be a hang-out spot with couches.
The actual brewing is also moving here. Brewer and co-owner John Holliday said that more space means the ability to increase production.
“The Spartanburg facility, I could brew five times a week and I would put out 10 barrels. I could do five times a week here and I’ll put out 100 barrels. So we’ll go distribution Spartanburg, we’re going to go into Greenville and Rock Hill for now, and then state-wide hopefully at the end of the year.”
That is allowing Holliday to participate in this year’s Fall for Greenville, contributing a beer and a seltzer to the beer garden.
More space also means more chances for John to experiment.
”I want to work more on my hazy beers. They’re a little tricky to get going and it’s a lot if fun brewing and getting all those new recipes.”
Jim said that it’s not just the Holliday brothers who are looking forward to the grand opening.
”I get people driving through here every day…when are you going to open? We can’t wait. All of Inman is so excited and we are, too.”
”We really look forward to connecting with the downtown, too because we want the other businesses to grow. The Saluda (Grade) Rail Trail is coming in the future…it’s going to land on our front doorstep.”
”We just really want to grow this little town and try to help other businesses and connect us all together.”
Want to be a part of this journey? They’re looking for servers, hosts, bartenders, cooks, and assistant brewers. Email for details.
Enjoy responsibly.
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